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The Longest Memory and The 7 Stages of Grieving: Comparative Text Study

To support the comparison study of The Longest Memory by Fred D'Aguiar and The 7 Stages of Grieving by Wesley Enoch And Deborah Mailman

VCE Comparison Guides


  •  identify meaningful connections and areas for comparison
  • explain and analyse – similarities and differences between texts in the presentation of related ideas , issues and themes – the choices made by authors to convey particular perspectives
  • compare texts to negotiate and communicate a deeper understanding of ideas, issues and themes
  • apply the conventions of discussion
  • use textual evidence appropriately to support comparative analysis
  •  plan comparative responses, taking account of the purpose, context and audience in determining the selected content and approach
  • develop and clarify ideas and insight gained through comparison using discussion and writing
  • draft, review, edit and refine comparative responses, using feedback gained from individual reflection, and peer and teacher comments
  • apply the conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of Standard Australian English accurately and appropriately.
  •  an understanding of the ideas, issues and themes presented in texts
  • the ways authors convey ideas, issues and themes in texts
  • the features of written, spoken and multimodal texts used by authors to convey ideas, issues and themes
  • the ways in which different texts provide different perspectives on ideas, issues and themes and how comparing them can offer an enriched understanding of the ideas, issues and themes
  •  the conventions of discussion
  •  the features of comparative analysis: structure, conventions and language, including relevant metalanguage
  •  the conventions of spelling, punctuation and syntax of Standard Australian English.