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Explore the Outdoors: Victorian Environments: Bibliography

MyBib: Harvard Style

Use MyBib to create your Bibliography using Harvard Style.

Begin your bibliography as soon as you begin investigating (researching)! 

Record the following as a minumum:

Internet sources:

  • record the date you used the source and the URL/Web address

For print sources:

  • record the author, title, date of publication, place of publication and publisher

Sample Harvard Bibliography

AAP (2020). Eleanor Patterson clears the bar at the Sydney Track Classic earlier this month. [image]The Age. Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2020].

Arajiv (2012). Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 28 Nov. 2019].

Belle and Sebastien. (2013). [DVD] Directed by N. Vanier. Radar Films.

Columbia University (2019). The Song Dynasty in China. [online] Asia for Educators. Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019]

Feeney, J. (2018). Teaching ATL skills. [email].

Lewis, C.S. (2000). The chronicles of Narnia. New York: Harper Collins.

Murphy, K. (2018). Why parliament still tolerates thuggery not acceptable in broader society. [online] The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Sarris, C. (2018). Kiribati [interview]. 10 Nov.

Temple, R. (2020). Mechanical Clock [image]Ancient Pages. Available at: [Accessed 10 May 2020].

In-text citations

In-text citations acknowledge sources of information you have paraphrased, summarised or quoted within the body of your work.

In-text citations match up with your bibliography, which appears at the end of your work.

When you have paraphrased, or put the information into your own words, you should include yhe author's name and date of publication as an in-text citation.

For example: There are now more cars on the road than ever before (Harris, 2015).

When you have included quotations, you should also acknowledge these in-text. Use"quotation" marks around the quote, and include the author's name, date and page number in your citation.

For example: The number of cars on the road has "exploded in recent years" (Harris, 2015 p 45).