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Middle Ages: Crime and Punishment

Resources for Year 8 study of Medieval History

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Brief, basic information laid out in an easy-to-read format. May use informal language. (Includes most news articles)


Provides additional background information and further reading. Introduces some subject-specific language.


Lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses technical/subject-specific language. (Includes most analytical articles)

Crime and Punishment

Trial by Ordeal

Trial by Jury

During the Medieval period, trial by ordeal was not uncommon. The accused was tied up and tossed in the water – if they floated they were guilty but if they drowned they were innocent. Justice was not exactly being served! However, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. After the Norman invasion, Parliament was the highest court in England and Edward the First introduced more statutes than any other medieval king.


ClickView (2017). Crime and PunishmentClickView

‌In-text citation: (ClickView, 2017)

The feudal relationships during the Middle Ages established a hierarchy that deeply affected the social landscape of the period. This programme teaches students about the complex relationships between a lord, his vassals and their serfs - an intertwining of the wealthy and poor that ensured everyone in these medieval societies depended on each other. Discover the importance of land during this time and how ownership of estates affected nearly every aspect of life.

Focus Questions

  • What are the key features of your chosen aspect of Medieval life?
  • How does your aspect demonstrate the beliefs and ideas of Medieval society?
  • What does it reveal to us about what people thought at the time?
  • What are some of the ways that your aspect reflected and re-enforced medieval social structures?
  • Explain with reference to at least two different historians’ opinions.
  • How and why did your aspect change over time?
  • In your opinion does your topic demonstrate similarities between the medieval period and today? Explain

Torture Devices