Has anyone ever called you a "wordsmith?"
Do you excel at word games ranging from crossword puzzles to tongue twisters to word related board games?
Do you seem to have a knack for making up rhymes or acronyms?
Do you consider your vocabulary to be more robust than most others?
Do you look up the meaning of words that you do not know?
A person with a verbal learning style may often say these phrases:
Recognize that being a "verbal" learner can be a real advantage.
There are many learning strategies that may come naturally for you and be quite effective. Consider using these learning strategies:
Your mantra: Tell me in words -- written or spoken -- and I will understand.
Verbal-linguistic intelligence (along with logical-mathematical intelligence) is often associated with doing well in school. You have the ability to use words effectively for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The poet has been described as the epitome of verbal-linguistic intelligence.