Six monologues made famous by the diva Caroline O'Connor, exposing six women balancing their inner and outer lives with humour and often desperate cunning. They range in age from a feisty teenager to a 64-year-old widow yearning for the unexpected. [source]
The phrase was first used to describe actress Jean Harlow. Her US film 'Bombshell' was released in 1933. By the time the film was released in the UK the phrase had taken off and it was entitled 'Blonde Bombshell' there. A ‘bombshell’ was a special kind of sex symbol: an ‘entertainer with a sensational effect.’
As a way of analysing a character, a useful task is to create a character inventory, resume or profile about the key characters. Essentially, character inventories ‘list’ facts in chart format. There are several different forms of character inventories which emphasise aspects of a person’s sense of identity and position in the world.
Consider the following Character Inventory (adapted from Bernays and Painter, What If?): name; nickname; sex; age; looks; education; vocation/occupation; status and money; marital status; family/ethnicity; speech, accent; relationships; places (home, office, car, etc); possessions; recreation hobbies; obsessions; beliefs; politics; sexual history; ambitions; religion; superstitions; fears; attitudes; character flaws; character strengths; pets; taste in books, music, etc; journal entries; correspondence; food preferences; handwriting; astrological sign; talents.