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Year 9 Religious Education: Big Issues: Church Documents and Scripture

Resources to suport Year 9 Religious Education Big Issues Assessment Task

How does Scripture influence responses to social injustice?

Scripture references about the importance of concern for the poor:

From the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament):

Deuteronomy 15:7-11


Amos 5:12

Amos 8:4-7

Ezekiel 16:49

Isaiah 10:1-2

Isaiah 58

Zechariah 7:9-12

From the Gospels:

John 3:17-18

John 14:1

Luke 4:16-21

Luke 7:18-23

Luke 14:13

Luke 18:18-23

Matthew 6:24

Matthew 19:16-21

Matthew 25:34-40

Mark 10:17-21

From the New Testament:

Acts 6: 8

Acts 13 -15

Acts 7: 54 – 8:1

Acts 9: 1-19

James 2:1- 4:1

What are the Church documents that relate to Social Justice?

How do other faith traditions address big issues?