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The History of the Catholic Church in Australia
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The History of the Catholic Church in Australia: Overview
Resources for Year 9 research assignment
People of the Catholic Church
Archbishop Daniel Mannix
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Video of an interview with Mannix discussing his reasons for advocating against conscription in WWI.
Archbishop John Bede Polding
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Lengthy article from the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Archbishop Vaughan
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Extensive article from the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Bob Samtamaria
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Extensive site full of information about Mr Santamaria produced by Screen Australia Digital Learning.
Cardinal Moran
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Extensive article from the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
John Therry
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Extensive biography from the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Patrick Dodson #2
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In his own words, Patrick Dodson speaks about faith to the ABC Radio National program.
Frank Brennan (Jesuit)
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From wikipedia - short paragraph
Caroline Chisholm - BBC
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Background about where she came from and what she achieved.
Caroline Chisholm - timeline
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One page dot point biography.
Caroline Chisholm - Australian Dictionary of Biography
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Extensive detailed biography, one picture.
Patrick Dodson
John Bede Polding
Caroline Chisholm
History of the Catholic Church in Australia
History of the Catholic Church in Australia
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Covers the first priests, Bishop Polding, Catholic schools, the growth of religious orders and Catholics in the post-war era.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Catholic Women's League Australia (CWLA)
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Catholic Women's League
Centacare Catholic Family Services > Home
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Story of Centacare; mission, vision & values; photo galleries;news- current programs.
Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia - Home
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History, misssion & values, focus issues, profiles of individual sisters, Catherine McAuley, current news events.
St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn Central Council
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Mission & vision, history, gallery, FAQs, services, youth, social justice archived articles, news & media.
Sacred Heart : Home
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History, vision & mission, virtual tour, their work - aged care, counselling & health, crisis assistance, social inclusion, women's services.
Sacred Heart Mission: on a mission for 21 years
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Sacred Heart on a mission for 21 years from The Age newspaper
Sisters of St Joseph
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Sisters of St Joseph central website. Founding story - Rev. Julian E. Tenison Woods & St Mary MacKillop; timeline; being involved; Josephite spirituality; justice miistries; justice ecology & current projects; news archived by years from 2008.
The Sisters of The Good Samaritan | Home
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Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict - who they are, history, what they do, news centre incl. photo gallery.
Marist Brothers: Champagnat Marists Australia
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Champagnat Marists - Brothers & Lay in Australia - About them, ministries, education, youth care.
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