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A quick look at what you can access via State Library Victoria's website. Membership is FREE!
Tip 3 tips for Googling more effectively for your research.
Add State Library Victoria to "Library links" in Google Scholar.
Now, when you search, Google Scholar will show you which articles are available through State Library Victoria. Neat, huh?
A guide to using Trove and Proquest (via State Library Victoria) to locate historical newspaper articles.
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Use Google Scholar to access academic literature
To connect your State Library of Victoria membership to Google Scholar.
It depends. Some articles are better than others -- all are a work in progress. If you are doing research on a topic, you need to take the time to also find other sources, compare the information that's in there to Wikipedia, and do further reading.
If you just need a quick idea of what something is about, Wikipedia can be a great source!