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Sustainability Consumer Campaign: Infographics

Resources to support the Year 8 study of the lifecycle of products focusing on sustainability and ethical choices.

What's an Infographic?

An Infographic is visual presentation of information in the form of a chart, graph, icon, or other images with minimal text. It is intended to give an easily understood overview of a complex subject.

There can be 3 types of infographics:

  • static (flat picture, stays the same)
  • animation (dynamic, may include video or illustration animation)
  • interactive (involves the user making a decision, much like a website)

An infographic can:

  • show numbers
  • flowchart
  • visual article
  • timeline
  • process
  • information
  • and much more

Infographic creation tools

Acknowledge your sources

Infographics usually add their sources of information by listing the URLs.

You will need to submit a separate full bibliography to your teacher using MyBib.



Egyptian Infographic

Top Tips

Simplify the layout and content

Shorten the texts into words or brief and easy-to-understand phrases.

The colours used in your works should be harmonic to catch the viewers’ eyes.

Trying to show too many details in your infographics just make people get bored and tired of reading them.

Create a visual pathway to lead the reader to your call to action. Repeatedly emphasize the topic of your infographic.

Pay attention to the design

Select high quality images and a suitable layout.

All the images or colours or any effects applied to your infographics must be in harmony and fit well with the information that you are trying to convey through your infographic.

Create subtle direction with arrowed shapes. Create subtle pleasing contrast with white text against a dark, but not black, background.

Display your information in unique shapes that represent your topic.

Be more creative

Remember not to crowd your infographic and leave plenty of white space.

Positive and negative space compete for attention.

Using a template from Canva will already be harmonious in design.
