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The Road to World War Two: Munich Agreement

A research guide to support VCE History: Unit One

Search Terms

Use these search terms, phrases and boolean operators to begin your research.
Modify or expand this list according to your specific research needs.

  • "appeasement policy" AND ("Britain" OR "British") AND ("France" OR "French")
  • ("British appeasement" OR "appeasement strategy") AND ("French policy" OR "French approach")
  • ("British response" OR "British stance") AND ("French reaction" OR "French position") AND "Munich Agreement"
  • ("Britain's role" OR "British involvement") AND ("France's role" OR "French involvement") AND "Munich Conference"
  • ("appeasement policy" OR "appeasement strategy") AND ("British government" OR "British leadership") AND ("French government" OR "French leadership")
  • ("Britain's foreign policy" OR "British diplomacy") AND ("France's foreign policy" OR "French diplomacy") AND "Munich Agreement"
  • ("British prime minister" OR "British leadership") AND ("French prime minister" OR "French leadership") AND "Munich Crisis"
  • ("Britain's position" OR "British stance") AND ("France's position" OR "French stance") AND "Munich Pact"
  • ("British perspective" OR "British viewpoint") AND ("French perspective" OR "French viewpoint") AND "Munich Settlement"
  • ("appeasement policy" OR "appeasement strategy") AND ("British-French relations" OR "Anglo-French relations") AND "Munich Accord"