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Year 7 IDU: Water and Education: Sudan Conflict

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South Sudan - Encyclopaedia Britiannica

South Sudanese Culture 

This website providing information about the cultural aspects, traditions, and values of South Sudan’s unique culture. 

Dinka people and culture 

The Dinka people are the largest ethnic group in Soth Sudan. 

Sudanese conflict

Until 2011, what is now South Sudan formed the southern portion of the country of Sudan.  

The people of the south were mainly from African cultures who tended to adhere to Christian or traditional African religions. The north’s population was predominantly Arab and Muslim. The people of the south were long at odds with Sudan’s authoritarian government, which was controlled by Muslim Arabs from the north. The country was wracked by two long civil wars—in 1955–72 and 1983–2005—fought between southern rebels and the government. The wars led to famine in the south and the displacement of millions of people. 


In 2017, South Sudan was officially declared a country in famine - the first official famine in  6 years. Here's more about why South Sudan is in trouble. 

Johnson Baker came to Australia from Sudan. This short video tells part of his story. 


Sudan - Encyclopaedia Britannica

Sudan  - Encyclopaedia Britannica 

For more than a century, Sudan—first as a colonial holding, then as an independent country—included its neighbour South Sudan, home to many sub-Saharan African ethnic groups. Prior to the secession of the south in 2011, Sudan was the largest African country. 

[source - Britannica

Sudanese ethnic groups 

Sudanese Arabs form the largest ethnic group in Sudan, comprising approximately 70% of the population. They are predominantly Muslim and speak Arabic. Nubians, another significant ethnic group, have their origins in the Nubia region along the Nile River. They have a distinct cultural heritage and are known for their architectural achievements. 
