Significant life experience, religious beliefs and faith
In this area of study students focus on the interplay between religious beliefs and significant life experiences of members. Students consider the relationship between different types of significant life experience and religious beliefs generally. They then undertake a detailed study of one particular significant life experience of a member of a religious tradition or denomination. One or more than one religious tradition or denomination is studied, with an individual selected from each. The significant life experience may be a single event at a particular time or occur over an extended period, and has to be one that informed, reinforced or changed the person’s understanding and expression of the meaning of their religious beliefs. Students investigate what happens to an individual’s adherence to and understanding of the relevant religious beliefs and related expressions as a result of a significant life experience.
The person and experience studied must have been published in publically accessible documentary, biographical or autobiographical non-fictional material, which provides detailed commentary on the interaction of the related beliefs to their significant life experience.
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 3.
U3 AOS3: Key knowledge
U3 AOS3: Key skills