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Personal Project: Getting started

Guidance for completing the MYP Personal Project

What's involved?

Decide on a goal

  • Decide on what you want to achieve (goal) based on your passion, interests, hobbies or something new you want to learn.
  • Link your goal to a Global Context
  • Decide on a product that will best achieve your goal


  • Investigate (research) your topic to help you achieve your goal and learn more about the Global Context
  • Use a variety of sources
  • Evaluate your sources of information
  • Record summaries and annotations in your process journal
  • Record all bibliographic details of the sources of information for your bibliography

Create a plan

  • Create a detail step-by-step plan for the entire project
  • Use a GANTT chart or similar tool (whichever suits you)
  • What, when, how it's going to be achieved

Create a rigorous criteria and create a product

  • Create a rigorous criteria for the product
  • Create a substantial product that meets your criteria
  • The criteria should enable you to evaluate the success of your product and whether it has achieved your goal

Written Report (this is how the project is assessed)

  • Write a report 1300 - 3500 words based on your process journal material
  • Address all criteria on the rubric and use examples and evidence to back up your statements
  • Use the report checklist
  • Submit a draft report to your supervisor for feedback 2 weeks before the due date

Decide on a process journal - either digital or visual diary and begin recording your ideas and thoughts.

Read through the Personal Project Plan to clarify your thoughts.



Major Milestones

November 2018

Project launch

21 February 2019

First meeting with Mentor

21 March 2019

Goal, global context and product decided

Planning Form due (online form: see Planning Form tab on Getting Started Page)

Record meeting on Academic Honesty form

2 May 2019

Research complete

16 May 2019

Product criteria due (Mentor to provide feedback)

Record meeting on Academic Honesty form

25 July 2019

Product due

Record meeting on Academic Honesty form

25 July 2019

Draft report due (Mentor to provide feedback)

Online Synopsis form due

8 August 2019

Personal Project due (report & process journal)

Student and Mentor to sign and authenticate Academic Honesty statement

PDF copy emailed to co-ordinator

27 August 2019 Presentation Evening

Become an independent, lifelong learner and achieve your best possible project grade, while strengthening and practising your ATL skills. - Engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. - Build ATL skills with strategies, detailed examiner advice, expert tips, and infographics in every chapter for visual learners. - Clarify IB requirements with concise and clear explanations, including assessment objectives and rules on academic honesty. - Foster the attributes of the IB learner profile with explicit reference made throughout to link with your research. - Progress independently through your project with advice, tips and common mistakes to avoid.