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Personal Project: Plan and record the development process of the project

Guidance for completing the MYP Personal Project
1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 8

Present a limited or partial plan and record of the development process of the project:

  • A brief plan that is not specific to the stated goal with a minimal outline of the development process

Present an adequate plan and record of the development process of the project:

A plan that includes:

  • long-term planning that is not broken down to specific steps
  • vague connections to the student’s project
  • very general dates and deadlines.

The record of the development process includes:

  • a general and/or fragmented explanation of the process that does not clearly correspond to the plan

Present a substantial plan and record of the development process of the project:

A plan that includes:

  • short- and long-term planning that has not been broken down into specific steps
  • clear connections to the student’s project
  • specific dates and deadlines.

The record of the development process includes:

  • an explanation of the process from start to finish that corresponds to the plan
  • changes that are stated but are not justified

Present a detailed and accurate plan and record of the development process of the project:

A plan that includes:

  • short- and long-term planning broken down into detailed, logical steps
  • a strong focus to the student’s project
  • specific dates, deadlines and clear records of adjustment to the project’s timeline.

The record of the development process includes:

  • a comprehensive account of the process from start to finish that corresponds closely to the plan
  • changes that are clearly described and justified


Planning guides and tools

Use a Kanban Board to help you plan and visualise what needs to be done.

Use sticky notes on a board or on a wall at home to create a Kanban board.

  • Visualise what you do today (To Do)
  • Limit the amount of work in progress (Doing)
  • Celebrate when a task moves into the 'Done' column and attend to the next priority

Creating a plan